Monday, July 30, 2012

Pyramid, in Alaska ?

      Linda Moulton Howe has come out with a pretty interesting story recently. She did an interview last week on Coast to Coast AM, where she detailed her current investigation into an alleged underground pyramid in Alaska west of mount McKinley. the story was brought to her by an ex-military intelligence officer who was stationed in Alaska in 1992. This seems to be a growing story in the community so we will provide more details as they come to light. There are not many facts in the case yet, but I imagine more will come out in the next couple weeks...

Links to relevant articles in the paranormal community:
Linda's articles Part 1
Linda's articles Part 2
RealUFOs article featuring audio of the coast to coast interview
Coast to Coast Show Summary
Phantoms and Monsters Article on the pyramid

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Saturday, July 28, 2012

UFO Propulsion Systems

     Stanton Friedman discusses potential 'propulsion systems'. He draws on his vast knowledge in the nuclear physics field as well as years of research. If your interested in science, or still wonder the 'How' question (How would ET's get here.), this is certainly a good read.

Read the full article here.

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Erin Ryder on Chasing UFOs


     Chasing UFO's star Erin Ryder(The only one of the trio who hasn't come out criticizing the show) goes on the record with maxim magazine to discuss the shows intentions, and her own interest in UFOs. She also addresses the 'drama' and investigations that some have criticized the show for.

Here's an excerpt of the OpenMinds article:

"You may have seen Erin Ryder, who simply goes by Ryder, searching for ghosts, monsters, and other mysterious creatures on SyFy’s Destination Truth. Most recently, she is chasing UFOs on NatGeo’s show titled, well, Chasing UFOs.

Chasing UFOs investigation team: (L to R) Ben, Ryder, and James. (Credit: NGT) Ryder’s role in the show is to provide the “undecided” perspective to balance the “skeptic” perspective of her co-host Ben McGee and the “believer” perspective of her co-host James Fox. But as she investigates the UFO phenomenon, she admits that, “slowly but surely,” the evidence is leading her to believe “that there is something more going on here.” She even recently stated, “I’m very open minded. I want to believe.” "

Read the whole article from open minds here.

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Friday, July 27, 2012

Majic men, The movie?

     Back in 2010 Stanton Friedman announced that there was a movie project in the works, which was to be entitled “Majic men.” A Facebook page for the project described the movie as:“The story of the Roswell investigation inspired by the work of Stan Friedman and Don Schmitt, based on the options of their life stories and their books on the subject”

     In an interview with coast to coast AM, Friedman stated that “I hope that the movie will be able to present some of the frustrations, some the joy, and some of the exciting moments” Both Friedman and Schmitt went on to say that this movie could potentially reach a lot more people that just their books have been able to reach.

    While the movie’s Facebook page has not had a post since April, and the project was announced back in 2010 it should not be thought that the film is an abandoned project. The film’s producer and screenwriter Bryce Zabel went on the record with coast to coast AM saying that “Staying true to the story is more important than rushing the film to screen”, and that while some movies can take up to ten years to make, this movie could only be a few years off. In addition to a Facebook page that has seen some action this year, there is also a 2012 IMDB page that lists the project as ‘In development’.

Facebook Page
Coast to Coast Interview

     Provided that this movie is well made, and that it stays true to the story, If this project comes to fruition, the film has a lot of potential to not only spread the story to a whole demographic apart from those who read the books, but also Offer a lot of good PR for the UFO community.

     Stay tuned to paraxworld as we are currently researching the status of this project.

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Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Chasing UFOs Stars Come Clean, on the Record

     Two of National Geographic's 'Chasing UFOs' Stars go on the record with The Huffington Post, Blasting their own show. One of the scientists go on to say that "the show had placed more emphasis on entertainment value than a serious look at the UFO subject." Both scientist also say that their own credibility has taken a serious hit due to the lack of actual science being used in the show.

     The value of these 'paranormal shows' has been has been in question in the paranormal community, or at least those who take the field serious in the least for quite a while. It is certainly a good sign to see actual people involved with these shows coming out and admitting what we've all been seeing for sometime now. Hopefully the message delivered to the non-paranormal community is that most of us do not think that running around at night with thermal cameras and voice recorders constitutes sound research, and that we do approach the subject with some seriousness.

Read the full article here.

See Also: Integrity, Purpose, and Intellect By Mrs. Esterhouse.

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The Anti-Matter Mirror Universe

    The four Beatles are still putting out chart topping records, the Soviets won the Cold War, and everybody has sinister goatees....probably not likely. However, anti-matter and dark matter certainly do exist, and Dr. Samuel Ting is trying to find it and even the possibility of a anti-matter universe. Ting is a professor at MIT, and is currently working with CERN and the International Space Station, and is researching data recorded using an AMS (Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer) aboard the ISS.  What Ting and his team are looking for is "an unseen 'dark universe' woven into the cosmos."

    Anti-matter functions like normal matter, just in the opposite direction (opposite spin and energy charge), so if enough of it existed it is very plausible that it collected itself together to form its own universe, just in the opposite direction.The scientific community is currently split on whether an anti-matter universe can exist, many physicists believe that most anti-matter was destroyed shortly after the Big Bang given the fact that when matter and anti-matter meet, both are destroyed. However, Ting aims to find his dark universe, and with the recent discovery of a particle that very well may be the legendary Higgs-Boson, many new doors have been opened for physicists.

    The existence of a mirror anti-matter universe would likewise open doors for the paranormal community. What would be contained in this mysterious universe? Would it be exactly like a mirror, precisely parallel? Perhaps, more likely, it would be a universe entirely of its own, with a unique timeline and a unique history? Maybe with beings who once theorized the idea of a mirror universe, then found a way to traverse between them?

Read More Here.

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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Integrity, Purpose, and Intellect

     These three words are not things to be swept under the rug, but rather encouraged and defended. The unfortunate fact is that in the pursuit of anything labeled paranormal or in any way unnatural, these thing are often forgotten (or at the very least glazed over). Shows and specials such as Mermaid: Body Found and Finding Bigfoot, that produce a huge number of viewers, follow no legitimate scientific method, and are generally led by teams of people with no background too to give credence to their research.  Even though these shows are purely entertainment, which is not necessarily a bad thing, they are labeled and advertised as scientific. Their purpose is facetious, thus damaging their integrity. A side effect of this breach of integrity is that it spills over to those who do, in fact, have the proper credentials to pursue the field, as well as those who believe, but with their feet on the ground and their heads out of the clouds. A solid example of this problem is that Jason Hawes and Grant Wilson of Ghost Hunter on the ScyFy (science fiction) channel have become household names, and people eat up everything they have to say whether they label them as legitimate or  crack-pots. Both these men are plumbers in their day job. However, how many have heard the name Stanton Friedman?  If only integrity, purpose, and intellect were held at a higher esteem than simply entertainment.

Read more here.

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Monday, July 23, 2012

When Thousands are Witness...

     Perhaps one of the best pieces of evidence we can use in the UFO community in our endless debates with the debunkers is a good mass sighting. Educating Humanity put out an article today cataloging the top 16 such sightings. UFO community, if you are not familiar with these events, learn them now.

Here is an excerpt from the article:

     "It’s one thing for skeptics to dismiss a sighting of a UFO by a single individual, who might possibly be mistaken, delusional or simply a teller of tall tales. It’s more difficult, however, to disregard sightings in public places and a large number of witnesses. Here are 16 of the most prominent documented mass UFO sightings in history.
     In many of these cases thousands of witnesses viewed the craft and the sightings generated thousands of telephone calls to the police and military. Oddly enough the debunkers, who did not witness any of these events were out in full force telling the public and officials that thousands of people were suffering "temporary mass psychosis." ...
Read the fullarticle at EducatingHumanity.

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Arsenic: Poison or Building Block for Life?

     This is kinda old news, but still rather interesting. It is well known to biologists, and the scientific community as a whole, that the elements that form the basic building blocks for life are carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus and sulfur (or CHNOPS), without these life couldn't, or wouldn't exist on Earth. It is also common knowledge that arsenic is toxic. However, this common knowledge is being challenged by research done by NASA and led by Dr. Felisa Wolfe-Simon. The research has shown that certain microbes, whom normally sustain themselves on phosphorous and being deprived of it, can switch to sustaining on arsenic. This find alters what we know about life on Earth, and opens the door to ideas on how life can survive in environments unlike what we have here on earth.

View the article from Wired.

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Sunday, July 22, 2012

Retired air force lieutenant colonel talks about investigating and debunking UFO sightings.

From -
"It seems that more and more retired military officials or ex government workers are coming forward to share their testimonies on secret government projects in which they were involved. A story made national headlines recently, when a 35 year CIA Veteran named Chase Brandon came forward and stated to Lee Speigel of the Huffington Post that he viewed CIA held documents confirming the Roswell Incident was of extraterrestrial origin...."

Find the whole article from here

My only concern here is that it seems that the retired lieutenant is in the process of releasing a book about his time in the military. Is it possible that he may be adding or exaggerating details in order to sell this book ? strangely it does not seem as though the mainstream media have jumped on debunking this story yet.

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MOD releases more UFO files.

     The UK recently released an additional 6,700 pages of files that the MOD had collected between 1960 - 2009. While it seems that the mainstream media is focused on reporting that the files do not contain a 'smoking gun', the files contain, no doubt plenty of very interesting cases. Of course the fact that these files exist at all shows that the MOD was concerned about what was going on in the skies above. You can access the nearly 1GB of new files here.

Here's how the mainstream is reporting on this (Notice how both organizations put out the same article, which focuses on the obvious prank/hoax encounter):
Fox News

The BBC actually put a slightly more interesting article out focusing on how the files prove that Prime Minister Tony Blair was briefed on UFO files:

Keep an eye on Para-X-World, as we go through these files while post anything interesting we might find.


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Godzilla vs. Bambi

     Theoretical physicist Michio Kaku discusses the possibility of intelligent ET life, and what would happen if such a society were to encounter our own society. While Michio Kaku is promoting a new National Geographic series, this interview does provide some interesting insight into what might happen in a hypothetical 'Alien invasion' including how the earth might fare in a battle scenario. He hypothesizes that an advanced alien race very easily blow us out of the water (or out of the solar system as it were). Michio Kaku then goes on to explain how such an event could unite us as a planet.

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