Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Chasing UFOs Stars Come Clean, on the Record

     Two of National Geographic's 'Chasing UFOs' Stars go on the record with The Huffington Post, Blasting their own show. One of the scientists go on to say that "the show had placed more emphasis on entertainment value than a serious look at the UFO subject." Both scientist also say that their own credibility has taken a serious hit due to the lack of actual science being used in the show.

     The value of these 'paranormal shows' has been has been in question in the paranormal community, or at least those who take the field serious in the least for quite a while. It is certainly a good sign to see actual people involved with these shows coming out and admitting what we've all been seeing for sometime now. Hopefully the message delivered to the non-paranormal community is that most of us do not think that running around at night with thermal cameras and voice recorders constitutes sound research, and that we do approach the subject with some seriousness.

Read the full article here.

See Also: Integrity, Purpose, and Intellect By Mrs. Esterhouse.

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