Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Integrity, Purpose, and Intellect

     These three words are not things to be swept under the rug, but rather encouraged and defended. The unfortunate fact is that in the pursuit of anything labeled paranormal or in any way unnatural, these thing are often forgotten (or at the very least glazed over). Shows and specials such as Mermaid: Body Found and Finding Bigfoot, that produce a huge number of viewers, follow no legitimate scientific method, and are generally led by teams of people with no background too to give credence to their research.  Even though these shows are purely entertainment, which is not necessarily a bad thing, they are labeled and advertised as scientific. Their purpose is facetious, thus damaging their integrity. A side effect of this breach of integrity is that it spills over to those who do, in fact, have the proper credentials to pursue the field, as well as those who believe, but with their feet on the ground and their heads out of the clouds. A solid example of this problem is that Jason Hawes and Grant Wilson of Ghost Hunter on the ScyFy (science fiction) channel have become household names, and people eat up everything they have to say whether they label them as legitimate or  crack-pots. Both these men are plumbers in their day job. However, how many have heard the name Stanton Friedman?  If only integrity, purpose, and intellect were held at a higher esteem than simply entertainment.

Read more here.

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