Monday, July 23, 2012

When Thousands are Witness...

     Perhaps one of the best pieces of evidence we can use in the UFO community in our endless debates with the debunkers is a good mass sighting. Educating Humanity put out an article today cataloging the top 16 such sightings. UFO community, if you are not familiar with these events, learn them now.

Here is an excerpt from the article:

     "It’s one thing for skeptics to dismiss a sighting of a UFO by a single individual, who might possibly be mistaken, delusional or simply a teller of tall tales. It’s more difficult, however, to disregard sightings in public places and a large number of witnesses. Here are 16 of the most prominent documented mass UFO sightings in history.
     In many of these cases thousands of witnesses viewed the craft and the sightings generated thousands of telephone calls to the police and military. Oddly enough the debunkers, who did not witness any of these events were out in full force telling the public and officials that thousands of people were suffering "temporary mass psychosis." ...
Read the fullarticle at EducatingHumanity.

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