Sunday, July 22, 2012

MOD releases more UFO files.

     The UK recently released an additional 6,700 pages of files that the MOD had collected between 1960 - 2009. While it seems that the mainstream media is focused on reporting that the files do not contain a 'smoking gun', the files contain, no doubt plenty of very interesting cases. Of course the fact that these files exist at all shows that the MOD was concerned about what was going on in the skies above. You can access the nearly 1GB of new files here.

Here's how the mainstream is reporting on this (Notice how both organizations put out the same article, which focuses on the obvious prank/hoax encounter):
Fox News

The BBC actually put a slightly more interesting article out focusing on how the files prove that Prime Minister Tony Blair was briefed on UFO files:

Keep an eye on Para-X-World, as we go through these files while post anything interesting we might find.


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